October 2019 Minutes

Minutes of Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Monday 28th October 2019, in Anwick Community Centre, River Lane, Anwick at 6.30pm

In attendance:- Cllr. T Curtis Chair, Cllr. E Coulson Vice Chair, Cllr. L Curtis, Cllr. M Head, District Councillor, Cllr. R Greetham, Jeanne Flanagan Clerk to Anwick Parish Council and seven members of the public.

1. Apologies for absence and reasons given:- There were none.

2. To receive any declarations of interest and to consider for dispensation in relation to Dpi’s:- None were received.

3. Notes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 22nd July 2019 – already emailed to the Councillors: -

The Chair requested that Item 5 Soteria House one line be deleted. The Clerk to change and resubmit to the Parish Council for approval, then insert on the Parish Council website.


4. Moy Park – The Clerk had produced notes and circulated to the Cllrs. from a meeting held at Moy Park on 22nd October 2019. Cllr. L Curtis suggested posting the notes on the Anwick Face book page.


5. Soteria House – There is a new board outside the premises stating under new management, also advertisements for recruiting staff has been displayed in Ruskington.

It was highlighted that trees have been chopped down which was not part of the Planning Application, however, it has been seven years since planning consent and is no longer relevant. Also bushes have been cleared at the back of resident’s property that back onto the premises. If a noise issue does become a problem then it was suggested to meet with the owners. Cllr. M Head to check with NKDC regarding building inspections. Mr R Coulson to forward the email from Ian Fycte to Cllr. M Head. Cllr. T Curtis to look into more detail.


6. Policies updated October 2019 for agreement

6.1 Environment Policy

6.2 Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy

6.3 Equality and Diversity Policy

6.4 Code of Conduct Policy

6.5 Asset Register October 2019.

These policies were all agreed, signed and dated by the Chair.

7. Pedestrian Crossing Main Road Anwick – The Chair gave an update that the County Council carried out a survey. A small black box was strapped to the bus stop which surveyed the number of pedestrians crossing the main road and the type of pedestrians using the road. That data is taken to measure the amount of traffic that travels through the village. If the figures are inside the criteria then we can have a pedestrian crossing. However, if the figures are outside the criteria then no pedestrian crossing will be granted.

8. Community Speed Watch – The Clerk reported that she has received the high vis jackets and the radar gun. The Clerk to order the signs and check how many the village can have.


9. RC/904196876 – NG34 9TU Site Appearance Pumping Station Anwick Drive

It was reported that the site has now been cleared and the Clerk had received an email in response to the letter that she had sent to Anglian Water.

10. Finance –

Spreadsheet to the end of October 2019 shows balance of £3,869.03, was agreed, signed and dated by the Chair.

The RoSPA Report which was previously circulated to the Cllrs. It highlighted that repairs to the chain fence was required and also repairs to the monkey bars equipment.

11. Any Other Business

11.1. Van Parking outside Community Centre – Cllr. M Head referred to an enquiry about a van being left overnight outside the Community Centre. It was explained to the resident that the outside tarmac area is public highways and suggested to leave the lights on overnight. Another suggestion is to leave the van at the rear of the Community Centre. It was suggested that the two parties involved to settle this informally. If the Parish Council were to get involved in the dispute then no-one would win and could be in breach of regulations. The Clerk to check the deeds held in the Community Centre and give to the Chair.


11.2 River Lane – It was noted that River Lane will be completely re-surfaced.

The Highways department will have a new contractors works team commencing in April 2020 on a six year contract.

11.3 Dog Waste Bin – The Parish Council thanked Mr Richard Coulson for the installation of the dog waste bin in the green area of the development off Anwick Drive.

11.4 Parking Church Lane/Main Road - It has been highlighted there has been an increase of parked traffic on Church Lane very near to the junction with the Main Road, adjacent to the entrance to Soteria House, which raises a risk. If considered a problem then the resolution would be to have double yellow lines painted. Plus if the crossing signal goes ahead that should slow down the speed of the traffic down.

12. Date and time of next meeting – Monday 13th January 2020 6.30pm in the Community Centre.