March 2020 Minutes

Minutes of Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Monday 23rd March 2020 6.30pm held via email due to Corona virus.

Those participating     Cllr. T Curtis Chair, Cllr. L Curtis, Cllr. E Coulson and Jeanne Flanagan Clerk to Anwick Parish Council

Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies were received from Cllr. M Head due to illness. No apologies were received from Cllr. R Greetham.

To receive any declarations of interest and to consider for dispensation in relation to DPis. – None were received.

Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 27th January 2020 – already emailed to the Councillors – The minutes were agreed as a true record which were signed and dated by the Chair. The Clerk to post on the Anwick website.


Moy Park update – Due to the CV 19 outbreak we have been advised that no visitors are allowed on site until safe to do so.

It appears that there was some low frequency noise picked up on the last noise test (the March one had been cancelled) which has involved the legal dept? Cllr. L Curtis was advised by one of the affected residents. She will ask if the Parish Council can be furnished with a copy of the test report to see for ourselves what the outcome was.


Soteria House update – Cllr. E Coulson reported the vast amount of overgrown shrubs at the rear of properties in Anwick Drive. Also the conifer tree which is overhanging the properties is in need of being reduced in size. The Clerk to send a letter to Soteria House requesting these jobs to be carried out.  Otherwise no further news and with the CV19 situation movement is unlikely.


Pedestrian Crossing Main Road Anwick – This is on hold pending the Lincs County Council update and the current climate.

Community Speed Watch – We have been in touch with the PCSO and she has agreed to undertake the training so that all the volunteers will be able to be trained in one session, once the lockdown has been lifted.

Environment Warden – It was AGREED that this post be advertised once the current climate has changed. The Clerk to draft a job specification, complete with Terms and Conditions and rates of pay –minimum rate and will look to advertise after the CV19 situation.


Finance –

Spreadsheet to end of February 2020 – already emailed to the Cllrs

The figures were accepted as a true record, then signed and dated by the Chair. The Clerk to post on the Anwick Parish Council website.


LALC Membership Invoice – It was AGREED to pay the yearly subscription  of £147.29.


MPLC Umbrella Licence – It was AGREED not pay the licence fee as the Community Centre is temporally closed and look to renew once it is able to re-open. The Clerk to send a letter to MPLC advising of the situation.


Letter from LIVES – The Clerk had received a letter from LIVES acknowledging their thanks for the £50.00 donation the Parish Council had given.

Any Other Business

 Village Gateways – In view of the cost etc it was suggested that we have flower boxes either end of the village to which the Garden Centre have very kindly offered to supply the flowers at the end of May 2020.

Cllr. L Curtis to cost up a price for the boxes.


Local Council Clustering – The Clerk had received responses from four of the Parish Councils who were interested in re-instating the meeting. This item to be put on hold due to the current climate.

Lincs County Council Parish website – The Clerk attended a training session and advised there will be a new format for the websites across the Parish Councils in Lincolnshire. Further details and the new set up will be advised later this year.

Anwick Parish Council Insurance Renewal – The Clerk had received details for which is due for renewal 1st June 2020. However, upon checking the details she found some were incorrect. The Clerk has responded and advised of the correct information. A quotation will be issued approximately four weeks prior to the renewal date.

Precept 2020/2021 – It was AGREED that the replacement bin and security camera for the outside of the Community Centre be put on hold until the Community Centre can be re-opened

Date and time of next meeting – to be arranged. – No further face to face meetings until CV 19 emergency is over. Standing Orders to be reviewed and updated if necessary to delegate urgent decision making to Chair or Vice Chair and Clerk.