January 2025 Agenda

Notice of a Meeting of Anwick Parish Council

Dear Sir/Madam

I hereby give you notice that the meeting of Anwick Parish Council will be held at Anwick Community Centre on Thursday 30th January 2025 at 6.30pm.  Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.
All members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder.
Public speaking at meetings

The Council is keen to encourage public involvement in its meetings. To help this 15 minutes is set aside at the beginning of each ordinary meeting of the Council. During formal council business members of the public are not entitled to speak. Questions will be answered at the end of the formal meeting council business.
If you wish to ask a question at an ordinary meeting, you send in writing or by email to the Parish Clerk as least two working days before the meeting. We would then advise that you attend in person and will be allowed five minutes to ask the question.
Please note if you are displaying symptoms of Covid or have tested positive, or are displaying symptoms of Flu or Norovirus, we request that you do not attend this meeting. Thank you

Signed:-                            Dated 
J Flanagan                            Clerk to Anwick Parish Council


1.    Apologies for absence and reasons given –
2.    To receive any declarations of interest and to consider for dispensation in relation to Dpi’s. Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non Pecuniary Interests to be in accordance with Localism Declaration to consider any applications for dispensations are relative to Dpi’s. The need for declaration to be based upon agenda items or at any suitable time during the meeting when it becomes apparent to a member.
3.    Minutes of the Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 26th November 2024 – Already sent to the Cllrs. Any matters arising
4.    Reports
(i)    Reports from Cllr. Andrew Key Lincs County Council
(ii)    Reports from Cllr. Mervyn Head for NKDC 
5.    Clerk’s Correspondence
6.    Parish Newsletter – sponsorship from Moy Park/Magna House
7.    Stream Bioenergy – co-ordinate the writing of letters of objection
8.    Flooding
9.    Beacon Energy Park
10.    Magna House
11.    Volunteer Policy – already sent to the Cllrs.
12.    Community Centre
(i)    Defibrillator
(ii)    Update from Anwick Community Fundraisers
(iii)    Monthly toilets cleaning
(iv)    Terms of Reference – Anwick Community Fundraisers
(v)    Volunteer Policy – copy already sent to the Cllrs.
(vi)    Refill project
13.    Accounts
(i)    Income and Expenditure to end of January 2025 – copy already sent to the Cllrs.
(ii)    Precept 2025-2026
14.    Any Other Business
15.    Date, time and venue of next meeting – To be arranged