Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy

Version 5 May 2023

Anwick Parish Council believes that it is always unacceptable for a child or vulnerable person to experience abuse or harm of any kind and recognises its responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children, young people and vulnerable adults by a commitment to a practice that protects them.


This policy demonstrates how the Council will meet its legal obligations and reassure members of the public, service users, coucillors, employees and people working on behalf of the Council.

•   What they can expect Anwick Parish Council to do to protect and safeguard children and vulnerable adults.
•   To protect staff with guidance of the procedures that they should adopt in the event that they suspect a child or vulnerable adult may be experiencing, or be at risk of harm.
•   To voice any concerns they may have through an established procedure.
•   That there is an effective recording and monitoring system in place.
•   That councillors, employees, volunteers and contracted service providers receive the appropriate training.


Anwick Parish Council is committed to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and protecting them from abuse when they are engaged in services organised and provided by, or on behalf of the council.

Anwick Parish Council will ensure though the Recruitment and Selection policy that suitable people are selected for working with children and vulnerable adults.

Anwick Parish Council will take any concern made by a councillor made by a councillor, employee, volunteer or contracted service provider, child or vulnerable adult seriously and sensitively.

Referrals made by a councillor, volunteer or contracted service provider cannot be anonymous and should be made in the knowledge that during the course of enquiries, the agency who made the referral will be made clear as individuals may be required as prosecution witnesses.

Anwick Parish Council will not tolerate harassment of any councillor, employee, volunteer, contractor, child or vulnerable adult who raise concerns of abuse.