May 2019 Minutes

Minutes of Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Monday 20th May 2019, in Anwick Community Centre, River Lane, Anwick at 6.30pm

In attendance:- Cllr. T Curtis Chair, Cllr. E Coulson Vice Chair, Cllr. L Curtis, Cllr. M Head, District Councillor and seven members of the public.

Cllr. R Greetham was welcomed to the meeting as a new Councillor for Anwick.

1. Apologies for absence:- V. Lenton, Environment Warden

2. To receive any declarations of interest and to consider for dispensation in relation to Dpi’s:-

None were received.

3. Notes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 18th March 2019 – already emailed to the Councillors: -

The minutes were approved as a true record and signed and dated by The Chair. The Clerk to insert on the Parish Council website.


4. Community Issues/Parish Council Responsibilities:-

i. Moy Park – The Clerk had received details of a Heritage Scheme whereby it would be useful in the refurbishment of the round thatched cottage in the village. The Clerk to forward details to Moy Park and also raise this issue at the next Moy Park Liaison meeting scheduled for Tuesday 4th June 2019.


ii. Soteria House – The Chair made a statement that Soteria House is now closed and the owners have either sold or transferred the business.

5. Financial Matters:-

i. Accounts as at end March 2019 already emailed to the Councillors These were AGREED, signed and dated by The Chair. The Clerk to include on the Parish Council website.

ii. Payment to Game and Company Insurance renewal.

The cost was AGREED and the Clerk to make the payment of £935.92 for the Local Council Scheme – Employers’ Liability Insurance,

iii. Donation to Citizens Advice

Further to a request received by the Clerk, it was AGREED to give a donation of £50.00.


6. District and Parish Elections Catch-up session and Documentation

The Clerk had distributed forms – Declaration of Office, Acceptance of Office. These have been completed then signed by the Clerk. The Clerk to make copies, the originals to be forwarded to NKDC, keep one copy for the Parish Council records and one for the Councillors. The Clerk will insert the papers onto the Parish Council website.

The Chair was pleased to announce that Cllr. Mervyn Head was elected as our District Councillor for Kirkby la Thorpe and South Kyme.

Congratulations were extended to Mervyn.


7. Environment Warden Catch-up session and Documentation

Apologies were received from V Lenton, no details to advise.

8. Pedestrian Crossing Main Road Anwick

The Parish Council is waiting for Lincs County Council to undertake a traffic data survey, which entails monitoring the number of pedestrians crossing the road and the amount of vehicles using the Main Road. The survey will place black rubber tubes across the road, which is left in place for between 2-6 weeks to measure the amount of pedestrians and vehicles. Once this process has been undertaken Cllr. Mervyn Head will liaise with Lincs County Council for a progress report.

9. Community Speed Watch Training update

The Clerk to email Dave Mitchell, Community Speed Watch Co-ordinator regarding the signs we need to display.


10. Any Other Business

10.1 Annual Parish meeting date to be arranged

The meeting will be held on Monday 3rd June 2019, 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre, River Lane, Anwick.

10.2 Receipt of Planning Application

The Clerk had received notification of Planning Application Reference:

19/0679/HOUS 7 School Crescent Anwick. Previously emailed to the Councillors. It was AGREED there was no objection to the application.

The Clerk to email ‘No OBJECTION’ to NKDC Planning Department.


10.3 Wood Lane/A153 junction

It was reported that double yellow lines are to be painted on the above junction in order to prevent lorries and cars parking there. Cllr. M Head will check with the Enforcement officer whether vehicles can be prosecuted. It was also suggested whether to have concrete bollards to be installed in the future.


10.4 LALC Networking day for Councillors and Clerks

This event has been arranged for Thursday 4th July 2019 in Lincoln, which the Clerk and Cllr. Lorraine Curtis will attend. The Clerk will book the sessions.

10.5 Dog Poo Bin request on Anwick Drive

A request has been received as there are no facilities on the estate.

The Clerk to contact Mr D Balfe to get permission to install one next to the notice board, which is on Mr Balfe’s land. If AGREED then Mr Richard Coulson has very kindly offered to install the bin


11. Date, time and venue of next meeting Monday 22nd July 2019, 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre, River Lane, Anwick.