January 2020 Minutes

Minutes of Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Monday 27th January 2020, in Anwick Community Centre, River Lane, Anwick at 6.30pm

In attendance:- Cllr. T Curtis Chair, Cllr. L Curtis, Cllr. M Head, District Councillor, Cllr. R Greetham, Jeanne Flanagan Clerk to Anwick Parish Council and six members of the public.

1. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies were received from Cllr. E Coulson due to clinic work commitments.

2. To receive any declarations of interest and to consider for dispensation in relation to DPis. – None were received.

3. Minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Monday 28th October 2019 – already emailed to the Councillors – The minutes were agreed as a true record which were signed and dated by the Chair. The Clerk to post on the Anwick website.


4. Moy Park update – Further to the recent assessments carried out by the Environment Agency no results have been received. The Chair agreed to contact the Environment Agency and Cllr. L Curtis to contact Moy Park.


5. Soteria House update – Other than lights and heating that has been left on for security and safety of the building, no information has been received from the CQC. Any ongoing plans for the building the Parish Council have not been made aware of.

6. Pedestrian Crossing Main Road Anwick – The survey pertaining to the volume of traffic through the village has been carried out and if the village qualifies, then it would be the push button type. Cllr’s. T Curtis and M Head to chase the local authority.


7. Community Speed Watch – The Chair reported that six locations have been allocated for the speed signs to be erected which were shown on the map produced. Highways Department and Open Reach to be contacted requesting permission for the signs to be erected.

Regarding training South Kyme Parish Council would like to join us in an update, dates to be arranged.


8. Finance –

Spreadsheet to end of December 2019 – already emailed to the Cllrs

The figures were accepted as a true record, then signed and dated by the Chair.

RoSPA Inspection visit August 2019 – The Clerk to get quote for the repair to the fence

Request from LIVES donation – The Clerk read out the contents of a letter received requesting a donation. The Council agreed a payment of £50.00 be sent. Precept 2020/2021 – Following discussion what the Parish Council would like to achieve for the next financial year, the following items were for consideration:-

A de-fibulator to be purchased and sited outside the Community Centre

A gate to the entrance of the overflow car park to the Community Centre.

Membrane to be installed that is suitable for vehicles for the entrance and overflow car park.

CCTV Cameras to be installed outside the Community Centre.

To replace the cigarette disposal equipment as it has been broken.

It was also suggested a village gateway sign to both entrances of the village – which needs to be checked with the Highways Department.

Annual Training Scheme LALC – It was agreed to pay the yearly subscription of £102.00.

LCC Highways Grass Cutting – Further to an email received from Highways Department, it was advised that the LCC continue to maintain the grass areas with three cuts per year which should be sufficient.


9. Any Other Business

9.1 Village Gateways – This item has already been discussed in Item 8.

9.2 Letter from HPC Homes Ltd – The Clerk read out the contents of the letter in response to a letter that the Clerk had sent regarding the proposed residential development, land at Anwick Manor, Anwick.

9.3 Rick Webster Grounds Maintenance Ltd – A letter had been received advising the Company has ceased trading, however, Streetwise Environmental Trading Ltd will take over the cutting of the grass areas and Rick Webster will be overseeing the works with the same staff and machinery.

9.4 Local Council Clustering – LALC had forwarded a research paper which covered what benefits working with clusters can be achieved. The Clerk to email the local Parish Councils with a view to reinstating the Cluster meetings.


Cllr. R Greetham referred to a drainage blocked in Main Road, Anwick. He was advised to go on the ‘Fix My Street Website’ to report the problem.


Cllr. M Head advised of a Community Fund that is available, funded by the Glenmont Power Station, Sleaford. There are three grants available - £1,000, £1,001 - £5,000 and up to £5,000 over the next five years. Cllr, M Head to email the forms and guidelines to the Clerk.


10. Date, time and venue of the next meeting - Monday 23rd March 2020, 6.30pm, Anwick Community Centre.