June 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Minutes of Anwick Parish Council AGM meeting held on Tuesday 7th June 2022 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre, River Lane, Anwick.

1.   Apologies -   Cllr. M Head for NKDC and Cllr. A Key for LCC

2.   Attendance-   Cllr. T Curtis Chair, Cllr. E Coulson Vice Chair, Cllr. L Curtis, Cllr. R Greetham, Jeanne Flanagan, Clerk to Anwick Parish Council, R Coulson, M Jacobs and C Pollington residents of Anwick.

3.   Minutes of the previous meeting – 26th May 2021 were AGREED as a true record.

4.   Asset Register 2022 – The report had already been emailed to the Cllrs. which was AGREED and signed and dated by the Chair.

5.   Policies and Procedures 2022 – The following policies had already been emailed to the Cllrs and were AGREED as a true record, then signed and dated by the Chair:

Environmental Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy
Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy
Code of Conduct

6.   Chairs Report 2021/2022  - Cllr. T Curtis read out the contents of the report of which thanks was extended to:-

Martin and Sally Jacobs continuing to maintain the Community Centre ensuring that the centre is open and clean for any events booked.

Ann and Tony Cook for fund raising in order to purchase a defibrillator for the village, plus a grant of £1,000 was received from Moy Park.

Thanks to Cllr. M Head and his wife Judy for the very kind donation of £100.00.

To Martin for keeping the grass areas neatly cut and tidy throughout the village.

To place on record my thanks to Jeanne Flanagan the Parish Clerk and Advisor who works tirelessly every year to keep the Cllrs. on the straight and narrow.

Thanks to my fellow Cllrs. for their determination and commitment and dedication to the role they undertake.

Also thanks to Cllr. Mervyn Head NKDC and Cllr. Andrew Key LCC for their invaluable support and guidance to the Parish Council.

Finally thank you to Leanne, Donna, Kayleigh and Shell, residents of Anwick for their very hard work in organising the ‘Anwick Picnic in the Park’ event – well done.

The report was signed and dated by the Chair.

7.   Date, time and venue of next AGM meeting – 6th June 2023, 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre.