May 2022 Chair's Report


CHAIR’S REPORT 2021-2022

Thankfully during the course of the year the COVID restrictions were lifted slightly and meetings were able to take place on a regular face-to-face basis.

The Parish Council renewed the contract with CJP Garden Services who are a local company to continue to cut the grass in the park and playing field. It was anticipated there would be an increase in the cost from last year, taking into account the huge rise in fuel and other expenses. 

As the Community Centre is now open for most events, the Parish Council paid for the MPLC – music licence. The insurance was also paid for the centre, which covers the building and public liability insurance for another year. In order to improve the outside of the building, a local company that undertakes specialised cleaning, was used to clean all the outside of the building which included windows, soffits and gutters. 

The Parish Council took over the running of the Community Centre in June 2021. The Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance of the building. The Clerk has taken on the financial running and purchase of any cleaning products etc. Cllr. L Curtis has taken on the role of Booking Clerk for the Centre which have increased with regular bookings and events.

Martin and Sally Jacobs continue to look after the Community Centre, ensuring that the Centre is open and clean for any events booked. Thank you to you both for carrying out a most important job.

Following on the from vandalised climbing frame, the Parish Council nominated Allenby’s a local company in the village to remove the vandalised frame, prepare the site for the new climbing frame to be installed, plus install with Ecco safety matting and new climbing frame. Unfortunately this came at a rather large cost, which although we had a small payment from the Insurance Company, the majority of the cost was borne by the Parish Council.

The Parish Council agreed to purchase a new lawn mower, that would be more efficient to the previous one. This will enable Martin to cut the grass on the public footpaths, cemetery and churchyard more efficiently. The Parish Council received a donation of £150 from St. Edith’s church towards the cost of the mower.

A donation of £100.00 was made to Citizen’s Advice.

The Parish Council agreed to pay the yearly subscription to LALC, and it was agreed not to pay for the training facility offered due to COVID restrictions and any training can be paid on an ‘as and when ‘basis.

The Parish Council also arranged for the purchase of a rubbish bin. The Clerk arranged with NKDC to install the bin just beyond the Community Centre, on the footpath going towards the river. NKDC have agreed to empty this on a regular basis. 

Magna House has now been taken over by different management and Cllr. E Coulson, Vice Chair is our nominated representative to liaise with Magna House.

Various planning applications have been received and in view of the recent development in Anwick Gardens, the Parish Council received an amount of £4370.14 from NKDC due to the increase of properties being built in the village.

A defibrillator has been installed in the village, thanks to the hard work of Tony and Ann Cook. Moy Park contributed a grant of £1000 towards the defib, the remainder was raised through various fund raising activities again organised by Tony and Ann Cook, supported by a number of residents – well done all, a great community achievement.

A Donations towards Community funds was also received from Cllr M Head and his wife for £100.00  [thank you both]. 

Martin Jacobs, has kept our grass areas neatly cut in the village and of course a big thank you for taking over the maintenance etc of the Community Centre which is a big responsibility and time consuming – thank you Martin.

I would like to place on record my thanks to Jeanne Flanagan, The Parish Council Clerk and Advisor. Jeanne works tirelessly ever year to keep us on the straight and narrow. Thank you.

I would also like to place on record a thank you to my fellow Parish Councillors, whose determination, commitment and dedication to their office and the residents of Anwick, continued unabated throughout the pandemic and whose efforts, often undertaken in the background to village day to day life, continue to strive unyieldingly in supporting the Parish.

I would also like to place on record my thanks to Cllr Mervyn Head NKDC and Cllr Andrew Key LCC, without whose, invaluable support and guidance, Anwick PC would not be able to function so efficiently and effectively. Thank you both.

MAY 2022