March 2024 Minutes
Minutes of Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 26th March 2024, 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre, River Lane, Anwick.
Attendance:- Cllr. T Curtis Chair, Cllr. E Coulson Vice Chair, Cllr. L Curtis, Cllr. M Head, Cllr. A Key for Lincs County Council, Jeanne Flanagan Clerk/RFO.
Residents – M Jacobs, R Coulson, M Corbett, J Patten, Anne Sudworth and Barbara Hughes.
Welcome was extended to the residents attending.
1. Apologies – No apologies were received.
2. To receive any declarations of interest and to consider for dispensation in relation to DPI’s -None were received.
3. Minutes of the Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 23rd January 2024 – already emailed to the Councillors, were AGREED as a true record, then signed and dated by the Chair. The Clerk to include on the Anwick Parish Council website.
4. Attendance of Lee-Anne Flowers-Andrews, Team Lead, Safer Together Lincs Police – Apologies were received for her non-attendance due to personal issues.
5. Anti-Social Behaviour and Crime Issues
(i) Crime Statistics/Incidents for Anwick update – The Chair gave an update on the figures. The figures for January 2023 recorded 6 offences, comprising of 4 common assaults, 1 Theft and 1 Criminal Damage. Figures for January 2024 recorded 3 Offences, comprising of 2 common assaults and 1 antisocial behaviour.
(ii) Reporting and Logging Antisocial Behaviour and Crime Incidents.
Anti Social Behaviour is a crime and must be reported to the Police (who will create a log reference) to ensure that relevant authorities are able to monitor trends and where appropriate take action.
6. Highways Issues
(i) Street Lighting – A walk around the village will be undertaken by Cllrs when the nights start to draw in (Autumn) to monitor what street lights are no longer working. Where lights are out or defective residents must report the issue either by ‘Fix My Street’ or to NKDC.
(ii) Pedestrian Crossing A153 – Cllr. A Key reported in order for a crossing to be installed it would cost Lincs County Council 150-200K. Cllr. A Key to liaise with Richard Fenwick, LCC in order that highways issues can be discussed with Cllr. T Curtis. Thanks was extended to Cllr. A Key for this valuable information.
(iii) Potential increased in traffic on A153 associated with Environmental projects
(a) Bio Stream Anwick project and
(b) Beacon Fen Energy Park
There is an open day and presentation from Stream BioEnergy to be held in Anwick Community Centre on Monday 15th April 2024. Where residents are welcome to attend. Flyers have been distributed to residents in the village and the Clerk will display the posters around the village and website.
Cllr. M Head reported that our Member of Parliament for Sleaford & North Hykeham Dr Caroline Johnson will be taking the Beacon Fen Energy Park issue to the House of Commons on 15th April 2024 as a Parliamentary debate on the impact of large solar farms.
7. Playing Field at Anwick Social Club – Cllr. M Head referred to the Central Lincs Local Plan whereby areas of green space can be developed and still be able to provide sufficient recreational facilities.
8. Planting of trees Pumping Station – The trees that were initially to be used on the much improved layby cannot now be used, due to the concrete below which was once the original road. It was suggested whether the trees which will be very kindly donated by Parkers in Anwick, if they can be used on the land near to the Pumping Station. The Clerk will liaise with the Manager Paul Waite to ask his professional advice if they would be suitable.
9. Update from Moy Park Liaison meeting – 11th March 2024 – The Clerk gave a very brief update from the meeting. Moy Park had received no complaints from residents regarding smell or noise. Any complaints contact Moy Park by telephone. Moy Park are aiming to save 5% energy this year making it a greener site. The bus stop has been cleared of rubbish. The staff shop will be closed due to work on the car park on 29th and 30th April 2024.
10. Funding Progress – The Clerk reported that a bid had been submitted to Lincolnshire Community Funding for 50% funding towards the repair of the flat roof to the rear of the Community Centre. The Board for Lincolnshire Community Funding are meeting week commencing 25th March 2024 and she has been advised we should hear of a decision the following week. The cost to repair the roof will be approximately £16,000 for which if successful we should receive £8,000.
One of the residents gave the Clerk information of £5million for village halls across England. Grants can be worth between £7,500 and £75,00 to refurbish the buildings. The Clerk to find our further details how to apply.
11. Community Centre
(i) Kitchen refurbishment – The Clerk advised that the units have now been installed and new plumbing works carried out. The worktops, appliances are due to be installed and completed next month.
(ii) Ratification of increase in letting fees, as discussed and AGREED at 26th January 2024 meeting. – The following fees will come into force from 1st April 2024:-
Hire of hall for residents was £10.00 per now £12.00 per hour
Hire of hall for non-residents was £15.00 per hour now £17.00 per hour.
Hire of hall for the day was £100.00 now £110.00 per day.
12. Accounts
(i) Income and Expenditure to 12th March 2024 – Were AGREED as a true record, then signed and dated by the Chair. The Clerk to include on the Anwick Parish Council website.
13. Any Other Business
(i) Table top sale Community Centre – It was suggested to look at arranging a date later in the year with a 50p admittance, £5 per table. To advertise locally and include details on Facebook and Car Boot Lincolnshire. It could include providing bacon and sausage baps, as well as refreshments.
14. Date, time and venue of next meeting – Wednesday 8th May 2024, 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre.