November 2024 Minutes

Minutes of Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 26th November 2024, 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre, River Lane Anwick.
1. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Cllr. A Key, Lincs County and Cllr. M Robertson
2. Attendance:- Cllr. E Coulson Chair, Cllr. M Head Vice Chair, Cllr. T Curtis. Cllr. L Curtis. Cllr. M Corbett, Jeanne Flanagan Clerk and eight members of the public.
3. To receive any declarations of interest and to consider for dispensation in relation to DPI’s. – There were none received.
4. Minutes of the Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 15th October 2024 –
Were AGREED as a true record, then signed and dated by The Chair. The Clerk to include on the Anwick Parish Council website and Cllr. M Corbett to include on the Anwick Parish Facebook page. 
POST MEETING NOTE:- The Clerk has received clarification that any updates from Anglian Water can be displayed on the Anwick Parish Council Facebook page.
5. Reports
(i) Reports from Cllr. Andrew Key Lincs County Council – none were received.
(ii) Reports from Cllr. Mervyn Head for NKDC feedback from meeting with Dr. Caroline Johnson MP and Ferry Farm -  both items have been dealt with.
6. Clerk’s Correspondence -  No items to report.
7. Footpaths around Anwick Village – It was stressed to continue to report and include photos of areas that need attention to ‘Fix My Street’ website.
8. Parish Newsletter – sponsorship from Moy Park/Magna House – Following discussion to was felt that a newsletter should be published four times a year, Cllr. M Head and Cllr. M Corbett work together in producing one sheet initially for the New Year. The Clerk to contact Moy Park and request a donation towards the publications.
9. Magna House and Residents Liaison meeting – The Chair advised that due to no issues being raised the meeting was cancelled. Date of next meeting February 2025.
10. Moy Park Liaison meeting 30th October 2025 – The Clerk and Cllr. L Curtis attended the meeting whereby the Terms of Reference was tabled, including the amount of complaints received and how the site responses to them. As the village was concerned about the volume of birds flying over the village. Moy Park are committing to equipping the site with netting and wiring to prevent the birds from nesting next year.
11. Community Centre
(i) Wi-Fi Terms and Conditions of Use – The Wi-Fi has now been installed in a secure box in the new kitchen. It was suggested to change the password on a regular basis. 
(ii) Defibrillator – The Clerk had ordered one at a reduced rate, which will be installed on the outside wall of the Community Centre.
(iii) No smoking area rear of the Centre – The canopy and new smoking box has now been installed to the rear of the building.
(iv) Decorating entrance hall and small meeting room updating and modernising, plus other kitchen – Anwick Community Fundraisers – Cllrs. E Coulson and M Head met with the Fundraisers and AGREED the memorandum to discuss the projects for the future. The group are working towards charity status and looking to apply for a grant from Sleaford Energy.
(v) Terms of Reference -  Was AGREED and the Clerk to include a section of ‘Signed and Dated’ by the User and Anwick Parish Council. The Clerk to send a copy to Cllr. L Curtis.
12. Accounts
(i) Income and Expenditure to end of October 2024 – Was AGREED then signed and dated by the Chair. The Clerk to include on the Anwick Parish Council website.
(ii) Agree Payment Glenside Countyside Ltd – This invoice was AGREED for payment to the value of £693.60. The Clerk to arrange payment.
(iii) Precept for 2025-2026 – The Clerk had previously sent a list of suggestions for project for this financial year. Following discussion, it was AGREED to apply for £16,310.00. This was based on the costs to maintain and update the Community Centre, based on previous figures.
This amount would equate to £21 per year based on Average Band D property only if paying council tax. This information to be included in the newsletter.
(iv) Hall rental- Following discussion the following figures were tabled.
• Outside agencies hourly rate £17.00 – £19.00 per hour to include use of Wi-Fi.
• Village use hourly rate £12.00 - £14.00 per hour to include use of Wi-Fi.
• Magna House daily rate £120.00 - £125.00 to include use of Wi-Fi.
These rates to commence from 2025.
The Clerk to look at contacting the Fire Brigade to assess how many people can be accommodated in the meeting room safely and a complete fire check of all the building.
13. Any Other Business
(i) Planning Applications24/0920/HOUS AND 24/0921/LBC – New plans have been considered and taken in account. The ‘Prohibition of Cycling’ sign moved or hedge taken down, although ownership of the hedge was unsure. The entrance has been re-designed and gate design okay. Thanks were extended to Cllr. T Curtis for his expert advice and input.
(ii) Volunteer Policy – The Clerk to send a copy to all Cllrs and will be an agenda item for the next meeting.
(iii) Fundraisers -  A letter of thanks to be sent to the Anwick Fundraisers Group for all their work this year. Suggestions for 2025 were:-
• A memorial bench
• A Christmas tree in the village for 2025
• A pond area
The group are working towards Charity status and would need letter of support from the villagers to ensure working together. Cllr. M Head to liaise with Shell Essam regarding the Sleaford Renewable Energy grant.
(iv) Deep cleaning toilets – The Clerk had contacted a company in the village to deep clean the toilets in the Community Centre. This was AGREED and if acceptable suggest this was undertaken on a monthly basis once a quotation has been received and AGREED by the Parish Council.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.00pm.
Date, time and venue of next meeting – Thursday 30th January 2025.