October 2024 Minutes

Minutes of Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 15th October 2024, 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre, River Lane, Anwick.

Attendance:-    Cllr. E Coulson Chair, Cllr. M Head Vice Chair, Cllr. T Curtis, Cllr. L Curtis, Cllr. M Robertson, J Flanagan Clerk, thirteen members of the public. Representation from Anglian Water and Environment Agency.
Item 4 was brought forward in order for the presentation to take place, prior to the Parish Council meeting. An overview of the Water Treatment Works was given and explained the process of sewage treatment going through various filters, prior to discharge into the river. 
•    Storm Babbet was referred to in October 2023 where flood water escaped. 
•    Concern was raised about the amount of lorries backing up and parked up in School Crescent in the summer of 2024 with their engines running and no communication was raised with the village.
•    Need a site where lorries are not stacked up in the village even during the night.
•    To record any issues telephone 03457 145 145 to report any issues available through the year.
•    Smells from the plant on a regular basis over the last few years.
•    Is the site fit for purpose taking into account more housing etc. 
•    The Environment Agency visited the site and no issues found.
•    What are the lorries carrying, do they take the sludge away.
•    A site visit was suggested with a small party to see and assess the smell and workings.
•    The site is not manned but worked on a telementary system.
•    Daily visits are carried out on site.
•    The gate is left open, suggest a new sign is needed.
•    Following the flooding last year what process do you have in place to prevent this happening again. Flood defences now in place.
•    Is there a mixture of chemicals being used, do you check what comes in.
•    Trade effulent document undertakes regular monitoring and takes spot samples on a regular basis.
•    Large amount of human waste shown up in a drain.
•    Seagulls seen on top of the tanks.
The following information was shared for issues, where to send an enquiry and access public online water quality data:
•    To report an environmental incident, contact the Environment Agency via their 24-7 reporting hotline (Tele: 0800 80 70 60)
•    To send an enquiry to the Environment Agency either call them on 03708506506 or email them at enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk
•    To access public online water quality data, visit Open WIMS data and select ‘Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire Area@

1.    Apologies:- Cllr. M Corbett and Cllr. A Key, Lincs County Council.
2.    To receive any declarations of interest and to consider for dispensation in relation  to DPI’s.
Disclosure of Pecuniary and Non Pecuniary interests to be in accordance with Localism Declaration to consider any application for dispensations are relative to DPI’s. The need for declaration to be based upon agenda items or at any suitable time during the meeting when it becomes apparent to a member.
3.    Minutes of the Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 13th August 2024 – already emailed to the Councillors. Any matters arising will be covered in the agenda. The minutes were AGREED as a true record, then signed and dated by the Chair. The Clerk to include on the Anwick Parish Council website and Cllr. M Corbett to include on the Facebook page.
ACTION:-                                JF/MC
4.    Attendance of Anglian Water how the Anglian Water Recycling Centre works – already covered at the beginning of the meeting.
5.    Reports
(i)    Reports from Cllr. Andrew Key for Lincs County Council – none were received.
(ii)    Reports from Cllr. Mervyn Head for NKDC – He advised that the large hedge between the play park and residents property will be taken out. Thanks were expressed to Cllr. M Head.
6.    Clerk’s Correspondence
(i)    RoSPA Inspection August 2024 – Most of the points highlighted as a higher risk from 2023 have now been rectified with new fencing being installed and repairs and painting to the play park equipment.
(ii)    Moy Park Terms of Reference formalised – A meeting with Moy Park has been arranged for 30th October 2024
POST MEETING NOTE:- These were presented at the meeting .
7.    Standing Orders – This item to be adopted by the next meeting.
POST MEETING NOTE:- This item to be deferred to the meeting in January 2025.
8.    Highways Issues
(i)    Pedestrian Crossing A153 – Residents survey include time of waiting – Thanks were extended to Cllr. T Curtis for his work already carried out. Once a date has been advised when the survey will take place then flyers will be distributed to all residents suggesting they cross the main road and how long it takes.
9.    No smoking area Anwick Community Centre 
A ‘No Smoking’ sign has been purchased and a smoking area will be sited to the side rear of the building. A new cigarette waste and canopy has been purchased which will be installed.
POST MEETING NOTE:  These items have now been installed and thanks to R Coulson for completing the work.
10.    Footpath around Anwick village
Any issues regarding the condition of the footpaths should be reported to Lincs County Council ‘Fix My Street’ site. It was suggested that a new pathway to Wood Lane, incorporating a cycle path.
11.    Parish Newsletter – Thanks were expressed to Cllr. M Corbett for setting up and maintaining the Facebook page. 
12.    Stream Bio Energy update information from meeting with Dr. Caroline Johnson MP – Residents of Anwick had received a letter from her and it was felt that an email would be sent asking for a response what action will be taken.
ACTION:-                                EC/JF
13.    Magna House – Cllr. E Coulson reported that good progress has been made with the meetings held. The next meeting scheduled for 6th November 2024 has been cancelled as no issues had been reported. Next meeting will be in 2025.
14.    Community Centre
(i)    Internet Access – Will be installed on 31st October 2024, which will be available for Winter Fair scheduled for Saturday 16th November 2024.
(ii)    Defibrillator -It was AGREED by all the Councillors to purchase the defib at the cost of £750.00 plus £150.00 VAT. The Clerk will arrange for payment and delivery.
ACTION:-                            JF
(iii)    1940’s day 31st August 2024 feedback. It was felt that a separate meeting with the Anwick Community Fundraisers Group was required.
(iv)    Open Day to publish new roof and kitchen – A date of Saturday 2nd November 2024 was suggested which coincides when the Church Coffee morning takes place.
POST MEETING NOTE:- The opening event well very well and thanks to Cllr. M Head who undertook the official opening and to Cllr. M Corbett for supplying the wonderful cake.
(v)    Key Holders – The Clerk produced a chart which lists the names of the key holders, the amount of keys and signatures. The Clerk to collect the information.
ACTION:-                                JF
(vi)    Decorating entrance hall and small meeting room, plus updating and modernising the other kitchen – Anwick Community Fundraisers Group will undertake the work required.
(vii)    Other priorities -The Clerk to approach a local Company to get a quote for deep cleaning the toilets.
A new notice board has been purchased will be installed outside the Centre and for Anwick Parish Council information only.
POST MEETING NOTE: Thanks to R Coulson for installing the noticeboard.
15.    Accounts
(i)    Income and Expenditure to end of September 2024 – already emailed to the Councillors. The financial position at the end of September 2024 is £5,979.28. The Clerk to include on the Anwick Parish Council website.
ACTION:-                                    JF
(ii)    What does the Parish Council want to achieve for the financial year 2025-2026 -  The Cllrs to advise the Clerk with suggestions in readiness for the next meeting.
ACTION:-                                ALL
(iii)    Hall rental – As the Centre has internet installed it was suggested to charge an additional £1.00 per hour for stall holders to have internet access for payments.
16.    Any Other Business
(i)    Ferry Farm – Cllr. M Head advised there is no update at present.
(ii)    Parish Newsletter – This item has already been covered in Item 11.
(iii)    Resident 100 The Clerk advised of a resident in the village who will be 100 years of age in November. It was AGREED for the Clerk to purchase a card and flowers for this lady.
 ACTION:-                                JF
(iv)    Thanks – were extended to Cllr. T Curtis for his detailed work on the recent planning application.
17.    Date, time and venue of next meeting – Tuesday 26th November 2024 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre.