August 2021 Minutes

Minutes of Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 24th August 2021, at 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre, River Lane, Anwick.

In attendance:-     Cllr. T Curtis Chair, Cllr. E Coulson Vice Chair, Cllr. L Curtis, Cllr. R Greetham, Jeanne Flanagan Clerk to Anwick Parish Council. R Coulson and M Jacobs residents of Anwick.

1.    Apologies:-    Cllr. A Key for Lincolnshire County Council and Cllr. M Head for NKDC.

2.    To receive any declarations of interest and to consider for dispensation in relation to DPis. None were received.

3.    Notes of the Anwick Parish Council meeting held on 6th July 2021 – already emailed to the Councillors. Were AGREED as a true record and signed and dated by the Chair. The Clerk to include on the Anwick Parish Council website.


4.    Magna House update – Contents of an email from Cllr. A Key were read out, advising he had spoken to the Assistant Director of Adult Care and Community Wellbeing  and that The Care Quality Commission will undertake an inspection of the premises and how it is run etc.

A letter to be composed to the Mr Martin Fahey, the Assistant Director highlighting our concerns regarding the incident that took place in the village, management of the Company, plus their reluctance and refusal to engage with the Parish Council.

It was noted that there were no details of the incident in the local press and a letter to the Police will be sent.


5.    Anwick Community Centre -The running of the centre has now been taken over by the Parish Council. Cllr. L Curtis will be responsible for the bookings and Jeanne Flanagan will be responsible for the finance side and any other issues that arise. Anew committee needs to be formed to ensure the smooth running of the centre. New enquires have been received and events such as the monthly coffee mornings are now taking place, plus race nights, over 60’s meetings, jumble sales, table top /craft/antique events and bingo sessions to arrange.

The Clerk advised that she has chased delivery and installation of the new climbing frame and safety matting.

POST MEETING NOTE:-  Since the meeting unfortunately members of the installation company have been unwell and she is awaiting a new delivery schedule from the company.

6.    Finance – A spreadsheet was produced which copies had already been sent to the Councillors and AGREED signed and dated by the Chair. The financial position as at end July was £10,142.37. The Clerk to include on the Anwick Parish Council website.


Discussion took place about the grass cutting for the church and is awaiting clarification from Rev. Al Jenkins whose responsibility it is. Eventually the Parish Council are looking to purchase a lawn mover that is appropriate to use and is E10 compliant. Mr Jacobs suggested approaching Mr Paul Waite at Anwick Garden Centre to enquire whether they have storage space to house the lawn mower.


7.    Any Other Business- 

7.1    Planning Application 21/1085/FUL Installation of 2 x Liquid Natural Gas refuelling stations at Moy Park. The Clerk to respond on behalf of the Parish Council it was agreeable.

7.2 Planning Application 21/1221/FUL Erection of 2 storey building Church Lane Anwick. This planning was also agreeable to the Councillors.


7.3 Overgrown trees and shrubs Anwick Drive . It was brought to the attention of the Parish Council that the trees and shrubs are restricting access. The Clerk to send a letter to T. Balfe & Company requesting that trimming is required.


8.    Date, time and venue of the next meeting is Thursday 14th October 2021, 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre.