October 2023 Minutes

Minutes of Anwick Parish Council meeting held on 9th October 2023, 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre, River Lane, Anwick.

In attendance:-   Cllr. T Curtis Chair, Cllr. E Coulson Vice Chair, Cllr. L Curtis, Cllr. M Head, Jeanne Flanagan, Clerk to Anwick Parish Council.

Residents in attendance:- M Jacobs, R Coulson, A Ingram, Y Allenby, ----

1.   Apologies: There were none.

POST MEETING DATE: The Clerk received apologies from Cllr. A Key

2.   Attendance: As above

3.   To receive any declarations of interest and to consider dispensation in relation to Dpi’s – There were none received.

4.   Minutes of the Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 30th August 2023  - previously emailed to the Councillors were AGREED as a true record, then signed and dated by the Chair. The Clerk to include on the Anwick Parish Council website.


5.   Wood Lane Improvement – No update had been received at present.

6.   Planting and turfing Anwick Village – The Clerk had received £700.00 for planting on the site near to the pumping station opposite the Community Centre. She will contact Mr Paul Waite from Anwick Garden Centre to purchase suitable shrubs and plants for the site.


7.   Beacon Fen Energy Plant – Notification had been received via other Parish Councils to meet regarding the increase in traffic. Cllr. E Coulson was nominated and AGREED by Cllr. M Head to attend on our behalf.


8.   RoSPA Report – Had been received and distributed. It was noted that a repair and adjustment to the height of the bottom of the slide is needed. The Clerk to contact Nix Handyman for the repair. 


9.   Violence and sexual offences – to be combined with Item No. 11.

10.   Playing field at Anwick Social Club – Cllr. T Curtis referred to an email he had received that a landowner in School Crescent had requested to the National Grid that the LV pole and stay sited in their garden is removed  and put in the corner of their property. However, this would then encroach onto the playfield field. Cllr. T Curtis to respond to the email.


11.   Magna House/violence and sexual offences – The Parish Council are fully aware of the incidents. Residents can access a crime area in their area which goes back three years. The increase has caused serious concerns for the Parish Council.

In comparison to other villages, which is based on population figures Anwick has a much higher rate, which equates to 72 offences in the last 3 years and shows a clear spike in the figures.

Cllr. T Curtis attended a meeting with the Chief Inspector which highlighted that the figures were directly linked to Magna House, the vast majority taking place on the premises. He also raised concern on behalf of the village residents. The Police have agreed for a Parish Council representative to attend a bi-monthly meeting with the Local Policy Team.

Cllr. T Curtis has offered to help prepare a statement of impact, together with a letter of concern to the CQC with CC to NKDC indicating that the crime statistics are all linked to Magna House. It was suggested that a letter is drafted out to all residents of Anwick to contact Magna House with details of any incidents that occur.


12.   Community Centre

Kitchen Refurbishment – in progress

Repair to roof -    Cllr. T Curtis will apply special sealant to the roof where leaking. Cllr. M Head and the Clerk to meet in order to prepare a bid for the Community Fund support towards the repair of the roof.

New fencing to play park/playing field – The Clerk reported that the new fencing post and panels have been ordered ready for installation.

Painting children’s equipment, benches in play park -The Clerk reported that all the equipment had been painted, including the benches, tables and planters and has given the equipment a definite improvement.   

Maintenance – The subject of a disabled parking space near to the entrance of the Community Centre was needed and to contact Cllr. A Key.

13.   Accounts to end of September 2023m- already emailed to the Cllrs. was AGREED, signed and dated by the Chair. The Clerk to include on the Anwick Parish Council website.


14.   Request from LIVES for donation – The Clerk had received a request for a donation, which she advised we normally donate once a year to the value of £50.00. This was AGREED and the Clerk to arrange for a donation to be made.


15.   Playing field at Anwick Community Centre – This subject was already covered in Item No. 10.

16.   Any Other Business – There was none to report.

17.   Date, time and venue of next meeting – Monday 27th November 2023 6.30pm.