January 2025 Minutes
Minutes of Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 30th January 2025, 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre, River Lane, Anwick.
Attendance:- Cllr. E Coulson Chair, Cllr. M Head Vice Chair, Cllr. T Curtis, Cllr. L Curtis, Cllr. M Robertson, Cllr. A Key for Lincs County Council and eight members of the public.
1. Apologies for absence and reasons given:- Cllr. M Corbett
2. To receive any declarations of interest and to consider for dispensation in relation to DPI’s:- Cllr. T Curtis declared an interest on Agenda Item No. 5 (v).
3. Minutes of the Anwick Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 26th November 2024:- Were AGREED as a true record, then signed and dated by the Chair. The Clerk to include on the Anwick Parish Council website and Cllr. M Corbett to include on the Anwick Parish Facebook page.
4. Reports:-
(i) Report from Cllr. Andrew Key Lincs County Council:- Local government re-organisation is coming and will do away with our 2-tier system of district councils/county council. This will be a huge reorganisation. Mayoral election will be on 1st May 2025 for Greater Lincolnshire.
The Government have scrapped the rural services delivery grant and Lincolnshire lost 9 million. The executive are proposing a Council Tax increase of 2.9%. Full Council will decide in February.
Cllr. Andrew Key and Cllr. Mervyn Head held a Zoom meeting with Stream Bioenergy on 16th January 2025. The company will be submitting a very full application. He stressed that people should read it and respond to the planning application when it is published.
Cllr. Andrew Key advised he will not be seeking re election on 1st May 2025.
Thanks were expressed to Andrew for all the valuable information, support and help over the past few years.
(i) Reports from Cllr. Mervyn Head for NKDC:_
Free labour will be available for installation of fencing for the front of the play park.
5. Clerk’s Correspondence
(i) Quotation for security barrier:-
She received a quotation for supply and installation of a security barrier for the rear entrance to the Community Centre at a cost of £810.00 in total which was AGREED and approach the Anwick Community Fundraisers for their consideration.
(ii) Noticeboard River Lane:-
The board has almost fell down and it was AGREED that the board be taken down as it could be a risk.
(iii) Rates of Increase of use Anwick Community Centre:-
The Clerk produced a draft copy showing the increase in rates from 1st April 2025. Changes were discussed and an amended copy sent out for approval.
(iv) Letter received:-
The Clerk received a letter from one of the helpers who use the Centre on a monthly basis. The letter stressed disappointment about the new kitchen layout etc. The Clerk to acknowledge the letter.
(v) Planning Application Ref: 24/1492/OUT:-
The application refers to 6 Chapel Lane to build two chalet bungalows on the land. Cllrs. T Curtis and L Curtis expressed their concern regarding the potential post approval, for construction, traders and workers vehicles obstructing Chapel Lane, otherwise no issues with the plans and will respond by 8th February 2025.
6. Parish Newsletter – sponsorship from Moy Park/Magna House – The Clerk was pleased to advise that Moy Park are happy to supply and print the newsletter, commencing in the Spring/Easter.
7. Stream Bioenergy – co-ordinate the writing of letters of objection – Following discussion that once the Planning Application has been received that we request an extension in the timeframe given.
It was suggested that the Parish Council use the Solicitors that Gunby used with their objection.
The Clerk did contact LALC and they gave details of a Solicitor that could help us with the application.
The following issues were highlighted:-
• The suggested plant site as per a paper circulated shows flood zone 1.
• Controlled Air Space potentially an issue, relating to RAF and MOD.
• Main issue offal lorries standing waiting to go in from Moy Park
• Argue the site near to Moy Park producing 20% of waste for the site.
• Transport issue – over industrialisation for the village
• Problems with gas flares from the plant.
• Letters of objection to be produced and available at a public meeting.
8. Flooding – Cllr. M Head reported that Nick Scott, Chair of Ewerby Parish Council is on board with this issue.
9. Beacon Energy Park – This has been submitted to the Secretary of State in March and could be approved by the end of this year or 2026. It will cover 1000 acres the same size as Heckington.
10. Magna House next meeting 9th February 2025 – The incident that took place in the village will be dealt with at the next meeting scheduled in February 2025.
11. Volunteer Policy – already sent to the Cllrs. – The policy was AGREED and the Clerk to check that it is included within the Insurance Policy.
12. Community Centre
(i) Defibrillator – The Clerk to chase the electrician to have this item installed
(ii) Update from Anwick Community Fundraisers – The Clerk referred to a flyer distributed in the village from the Anwick Community Fundraisers showing how much they had raised so far and forthcoming events during the year. The Chair to contact Anwick Community Fundraisers regarding a rota for the use of the library.
(iii) Monthly toilets cleaning – The Clerk had received a quotation for the monthly cleaning of the toilets in the Community Centre which was AGREED. The Clerk to raise an Agreement and Contract to cover this work for 2025.
(iv) Terms of Reference – Anwick Community Fundraisers – This was AGREED and arrangements for Shell Essam to sign on behalf of the group.
(v) Volunteer Policy – This has been covered in Agenda Item No. 11
(vi) Refill project – Cllr. M Head shared the details of the project which showed cost savings covering washing up liquid, body wash, laundry wash, fabric conditioner, hand soap, shampoo and cleaning fluid. This project to be shared at ‘warm place’ events during the year.
Cllr. M Robertson referred to ‘pre loved clothes’ events in the Centre, This suggestion was AGREED and would need advertising and that she would be the lead on this project.
13. Accounts
(i) Income and Expenditure to 10th January 2025 – copy already sent to the Cllrs. The spreadsheet was AGREED and the Clerk to include on the Anwick Parish Council website.
(ii) Precept 2025-2026 – In view of the increase requested, it was AGREED that a letter was devised and distributed to residents of the village.
(iii) Discussion took place whether any residents would be interested in acquiring an allotment.
14. Any Other Business
(i) Potential Biomethane Petrol site near to Pilgrim Foods site – Awaiting planning application.
(ii) Cluster meeting with surrounding Parish Councils – It was suggested that a meeting with the local Parish Councils to discuss Stream Bioenergy plans and working together with the issues.
(iii) Suggest meeting with Dr. Caroline Johnson re: Stream – The Chair to arrange to meet with Dr. Caroline Johnson at one of her local clinic sessions.
(iv) Reform candidate local and Lincs County Council - At this stage we are not aware of the candidate.
(v) Delegate additional work – Stream Bioenergy – Following discussion and the email sent from Cllr. T Curtis, The Clerk to send all emails in relation to Stream Bioenergy to the Chair.
Additional Item – Cllr. M Head suggested a Farmers Market to be held outside the Community Centre on a monthly basis and whether we would need planning permission or a licence for it to go ahead.
15. Date, time and venue of next meeting – WEDNESDAY 12TH MARCH 2025, 6.30pm in Anwick Community Centre